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- Access Consciousness
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- Access Bars
- Are you living Your Life Fully? Or you are stuck in Relationships which are not working. Or you do everything right, but Money, Career, Business, still do not work the way you want?
- How far do you remember the last time when you were totally relaxed and being cared for?
- Have you consciously realized that your life is not going the way you would wish it to be?
What if I tell you that all this is possible now! You will lead your life the way you always wished for.
It is possible with this simple yet powerful principle:
Whenever we think…we limit ourselves…
Whenever we are in the question mode…it opens up possibilities to more Wealth/ Strong Relationship/ healthy life, etc.
And you will see how magically miracles happen in your life by simply using the power of questions. Access is all about being in question mode. Access Consciousness is about facilitating you to be your own expert, rather than rely on someone else’s opinion.
The primary objective of Access Consciousness is to create a world of consciousness and oneness. Access Consciousness offers pragmatic tools to change things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. It provides you with ways to become totally aware and to begin to function as the conscious being you truly are.
Access Bars® – a simple Body Process that is changing the world
There are two things that will change anything in your life; Choice and Access Bars.
The Access Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything. Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more.
During a Bars session, the practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head over the course. Through the programme you will realize that Touching the Bars allows for the electromagnetic charge that holds thoughts, feelings, and emotions in place to dissipate, allowing you to perceive your life, body, and relationships with more clarity and ease. By simply running the bars, you clear off lots of limiting patterns which are holding you and your progress since not only this life but many past lives.
We welcome you to come and clear up your garbage’s/ limitation/ negative beliefs and energies and in return walk out with a new life full of infinite possibilities.
Get started today Or Call now at +(91) 9322 274 630
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