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A child is like a free bird flying in the wind
Some can fly high than the others,
But each one flies at its best.
Why compare one against the other?
Each one is Unique
Each one is Beautiful
Each one is "Special"
– Anila Gada
In this wonderful journey called life, I have experienced one thing very clearly i.e. “The law of Attraction”i.e. you actually get what you gave.
We are the sole creator of our life & this is the truth. The energies that we are sending into the Universe, whether emotionally, mentally or verbally, the Universe does not access what is right or wrong, it rather responds to the frequency of our feelings and that we feel why things are getting repeated in our life. Be it positive or the negative.
Every child is unique & special. I believe that children with developmental disabilities can be included in the society provided you treat them specially. They need to be understood well and as parents we need to have the best of our patience & support to help them become a part of the society. It is all possible provided you allow yourselves to make the transformations towards positive affirmations. The children need not go through any pain or medication process. This can simply be achieved by just a willingness that we require to shift.
HEAL YOUR LIFE by Louise Hay workshop will give you the clarity and offer you a good and safe platform to release you stress & anxieties. During my experience of nearing 2 decades, I had the opportunity to support the children who require special attention & care using this therapy. I have counseled parents to help them identify measures to accept each one with their own strengths and weaknesses, and certainly with their own personality. This therapy has helped to children’s who are currently experiencing:
- ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder )
- SL (Speech & Language therapy)
- LD (Learning Disabilities)
- CP (Cerebral Palsy)
As blessed parents of Special Children, I will help you to identify the measures & the right interventions to help your child overcome difficulties with:
I welcome you to the “Flow with Grace” house realizing the processing of brain using few therapies and see the magic through over all development of the child without pain and medicines. In my rich experience of more than 18 years; I have developed an intensive program for the parents of special children’s using a combination of:
- Heal your Life workshops
- Access Consciousness
- Body Processes
- Psychotherapy
- Meditation
I will help you explain your beliefs and ideas about yourself and offer the root causes of all emotional problems and physical maladies and how by using certain tools we change our feeling and experience life for the better.
This process will certainly help in clearing our clutter which we are holding and are struggling in our lives. So, it starts getting clear and we allow universal energies to settle in our system through positive affirmations, meditations and visualizations. So, instead of running here and there for different therapies you work on your own with them, benefits will be,
- Development in emotional, mental and physical performance.
- Developing motor skills,
- Dealing with sensory issues
- Speech
- Behavioral issues
- Developing vision
- Balancing sexual energies
- Channelizing energies hyperness, and more.
Parents will get positively channeled to shift their child life for the best. This & few more energy science based therapies will help us to realize and release our mental and emotional garbage. This will help us to learn to live in present and create a beautiful future emotionally, mentally, physically, financially and spiritually at all the levels.
So, let’s take charge of our own life and get transformed.
Get started today Or Call now at +(91) 9322 274 630
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