Blessed With Peace & Properity
Below are few of happy experiences

Parul Kanti Shah
We all have inner powers that are usually hidden.. But after doing this course of excess bars I could find my inner strength, happiness, joy, powers and was fully satisfied and content. I would really recommend every one to go for it at least once.. It is a very very helpful and beautiful journey to explore your inner self and rejuvenate. I sincerely thank Anila Gada for organising this course and I'm really happy that i had a chance to be a part of it. Thank you so much!

Jinesh Bahua
I have attended healing workshop a year back. It's really life changing procedure if you follow it sincerely. It has really helped me to look every phase in a positive manner. If we really meditate in a manner that is shown , it creates a lot of positive energy in us which helps us to achieve every goal. It helps us to forget all bad phase of life and most importantly, it teaches us to forgive people who were bad to us . Lastly it makes our life stress free. I really recommend healing workshop for every one whose life is tensed and stressful.

After receiving Healing from Anila; I saw instant result in her right away.She was tremendously calm; regained her interest in reading books ( which she had lost); she became less demanding.There was a complete surge in her positive energy; confidence; self esteem and she was attracted to doing a lot of Self Empowerment workshops.There was abundance of Creativity flowing through her and she utilised her time making lots of Positive Affirmations. The healing also bought a shift to a diet loaded with fruits and veggie juices which Calmed and Energised her mind wonderfully. I strongly recommend Anilas Healing as they are very powerful and the results are instant and long lasting

Minal Shah
My experience after every healing that i have received, has been tremendously of great relief in every way, that is physically, mentally and emotionally. I feel so relaxed and so charged up. You just not only heal me but guide me how to overcome all that i may be experiencing at that moment. You truly are an angel on earth. You have not only bought my confidence and energy back but also my self worth and self realisation of how beautiful and magnificent life and i am. Thank you would be an understatement, so just wanna say that my heart fills with gratitude and appreciation for everything that you have done. Thank you,Thank you,Thank you

Jigna Charla
I was too negative, Frusted, helpless, irrited, too much of anger, fears, anxiety, insecurities. After treatment and workshop: negative things started deleting.. I started feeling positive, Matured, started feeling peaceful, my relation ship with husband.,inlaws, finance started improving, I started growing in all area, feeling joyful, stared getting new oppertunities.. Became more creative and innovative. After treatment I am only changing my own self own attitude changing and learning new perspective of life. Life has become easy. Selfesteem. Confidence enormously increased. Thanks a lot anila.. Love you loads.

Beena Masutage
I'm feeling blessed to share my experience. Before meeting Anila mam my life was dull, low confidence & self-esteem. Because of many incidences in my life I was feeling guilty & started cruising myself. I started doing meditation as the thing started to come in my favour in very short period of time now I'm following it regularly. It has helped me to gain control on my anger & emotions. Also I did workshops with Anila mam & with the help of her guidance I'm able to handle guilt & forgive myself & others. Now I realise life is very good, simple & loving. Even my relationship with my parents has improved. Anila mam please keep on guiding me & always bless me.

Meghna Shroff
I have known you since a decade now...and have surely to share that you have been growing in leaps and bounds and healed many lives, many families and many souls by now. And , I am one of the fortunate ones. Had heard that touch heals but never knew that it could heal me till my concepts and beliefs.which I was not too sure of...but I was passing through severe piles since a week where u just did something and I was healed. That gave birth to the inquisitiveness of knowing and learning it . The workshop was filled with divine knowledge and wisdom and felt too light after doing it.Not only that it was made so simple and was in lucid language that even a no man could understand. My main cause of learning this was to help my daughter Ariha age 11 yrs who was identified with adhd when she was 7 . I had to do her reassessment and there I ran her bars which was v simple ..and the results said it all that she was out of that bracket in just a sitting. I am deeply indebted to Anila Hitesh Gada to spread this knowledge and also for making us so well equipped too with the same.I truly recommend everyone to definitely try out a session with her without any concept in their minds.I would also thank the invertor of this beautiful technique and pray that many many more be healed through this.

Disha Mehta
Initially when I started attending Workshops & Meditations,it was a little difficult for me to believe these concepts. There was a time when I used to be all depressed and the feeling of being not good enough came into picture. I don't know how but Universe helped me meet a beautiful soul Anila Mam & I am still grateful to God & The Universe. After I started Meditations & attending Healing workshops & Guidance from Mam, things started falling in place. Relationship with Self improved first & then with others. I experience love, joy & peace. I got answers automatically for all my past negative patterns & started to understand reality. I am more aware now. I express deep Gratitude to Anila Mam who helped me find a path to LOVE myself. I feel I am Born again.

Neeta Sangoi
Hi! I am Neeta sangoi, 42 yes old house wife. Before last Dec.'15 my life was totally different from now. I was passing through very critical condition in my relationship. My life was scattered n dark. I was desperately finding the way to come out of all sufferings n pain. I m suffering from sort of depression, fear, anger , very low self esteem n all lower n negative emotions. One day God listen to my prayer n smone suggested to meet Anila ma'am. Without any hope I just went n met her n that meeting was proved divine spark in my life. By ma'am's loving n kind support n care n guidance slowly n gradually my life started transforming. I learned access bars n pranik healing, done loise hay " heal your life workshop " with ma'am. All my lower emotions turns into positive healthy emotions. I learned so much from ma'am n she is always there for me whenever I needed. She is the angel who show a path to make life beautiful. It built lots of positive approach towards life n that reflects in my relationship too. I become more aware n so confident in every aspect of life. My financial situation also gets better.I feel so lucky n blessed for having Anila ma'am as a part of my life. With lots of gratitude n thanks to maam

Nitin Shah
Hello I am Nitin shah age-45. I was going through a very rough period In my life, almost every area in my life let it b health , wealth ,mental stress, relationship. I wanted to move ahead in my life in a positive way , but nothing was working out. Only a miracle/grace can let me overcome this and was praying for this.And my friend Jay she told only Anila prabhu can help me to b out of this through Access Bar therapy.So decided to meet her took the appointment of her and went , she did did The therapy gave me some tools and said all will b fine. ,But to say that day , I slept like Kid with out worries & then learned the Bars therapy with her. First was my health that improved, as I have gluten allergy was not able to eat 80% of things . Was always afraid to have it but now without fear can have it. My stress was less & gradually m improving my financial condition.Have come down with my hyper. Have addiction of having tobacco and it has also drop down & m confident it will also vanish fast frm my life.She has come in my life at right time to help me like god has send her to help me. Many thanks to her . May god bless her in all aspects of her life & doing this helps people like us.

Charmi Nandu
This is Charmi Nandu, daughter of Divya Karia. I would like to share our experience with the healing process done by Mrs. Anila Gala. My mother was diagnosed with Pancreatitis. The disease had taken over her health on a major scale. Our family was shaken as my mom is the support system of our family and we never thought anything would happen to her. Doctors were doing their best to cure her but she was weak in and out. We had no clue what should be done. Then one day a mutual relative of my mother and Mrs. Anila Gala met my mother and suggested that she give healing a chance. My mom visited Mrs. Anila Gala at her home and disclosed all her concerns and her illness. Anila ma'am provided healing sessions to my mom from time to time. With every session that my mom attended she experienced new rejuvenated energy building inside her and strengthening her again. Over a short period of time she felt healthy and hapoy again just like she used to before her illness. We all are very grateful to Anila Ma'am for helping my mom to fight against her illness. We occassionally seek her guidance from time to time for our family members when in need. Healing has brought a positive change in our lives.

Ruchit and Yesha
I would first like to thank you and this universe show me the path for the betterment of my kids. Its because of access and you healing that yesha is such happy go lucky child andruchit is now more expressive about his feeling whatever he wants his way as himself.and most impostant I am able to accept my kids as they are their to help them give what they ask for rather forcing them.Its been more sorted out and still more to go.

Kishan Sampat
I passed through a drastic change after getting in contact with healing energies under ANILA MAM. I have experienced a great shift into my life.I was unable to think positively and was tensed after my HSC results but slow and steady do to divine healing energy and blessings of Anila mam, my life has again shifted to a successful path as it was before healing energies worked upon me a lot and have a nice peaceful mind due to that in present.